About Me

East Ayton, Scarborough, North Yorkshire
A group of ladies who enjoy traditional embroidery but who meet once a month to try some experimental work. We meet at Ayton Village Hall on the third Thursday in the month for a full day and again on the first Thursday for half a day. We currently have a waiting list of people who want to join us.

Thursday 7 January 2021

Thursday 7th January

 Happy New Year to everyone even though it hasn't got off to a very good start with the new lockdown.  I have started on a new round of cupboard cleaning and tidying up along with finishing a jigsaw that was started over the Christmas holidays.  I had a significant birthday at New Year and my sister bought me a fitbit so I am going over all the walks I have been doing to see how many steps they are and if my guess at the mileage was correct.  I am pleased to say that so far I did guess correctly but I still don't seem to be burning off more calories than I am eating. Fortunately the Christmas cheese, cake and chocolates are just about finished or put away until Easter so that should help.

Some of you have been busy sewing and sent me some lovely pictures.  Diane sent these of the lovely Christmas presents she made for her grand children.

This teddy was for her grandson and the quilts for her two granddaughters. 

Lesley sent this lovely photograph of the sea

and this is her interpretation of it using the new weaving loom she got for Christmas.

Roma finished off this lovely robin, not in time for this Christmas but ready for the next.

Lindsay and I had a painting session using some paints she bought me last Christmas.  I hadn't used them until recently when I decided to have a proper look at them and found out that they have to be used on a hard surface. A friend gave me some tiles, I bought another pack of paints in the range and we made these coasters. The paints are Pebeo moon, vitriol, prism and ceramic.  You pore them onto the tile and move them around and they sort of push each other away rather than blend.  They are very interesting to work with.

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